I haven't smoked a cigarette or used a vape pen for 1852 days. This number is generated on page-reload, so it is always up to date.
My Timeline
June 2021: I began taking Wellbutrin as part of my antidepressants regimen. Wellbutrin is also prescribed for smoking cessation. Since this month, I've taken in no nicotine to speak of, lozenges or not.
May 2021: still no smoking or vaping. I use 4-16mg of nicotine lozenges daily.
February of 2020 I began experiencing shortness of breath and trouble sleeping, clearly caused by vaping. I began a new quit attempt February 15, 2020. I'm using Nicotine Patches and Lozenges as Nicotine Replacement Therapy. I enrolled in the State of Michigan's Quitlink program. In this program, I received coaching, free-of-cost nicotine replacement therapy products, and a support system for breaking my nicotine dependency.
I began a new quit attempt on October 07, 2019. It lasted about 30 days.
I stopped vaping from December 19, 2018 to June 8, 2019, for a total of 171 days.
In February of 2017, I tried a vape pen for the first time. I have never smoked a cigarette or cigar since.
In the fall of 2016, I tried quitting. I bought a package of nicotine gum.
I inadvertenly gave himself a nicotine overdose.
I was sick for about a week.
2005: When I was 17, I began smoking because I thought it was cool. It turned out to just be addictive.